Last Watched: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S2E6 - The Gang Gives Back

I’m sold. Hello, Ghost, nice to meet you.

After toying around with Ghost for a few hours, I fell absolutely in love with its speed and its focus.

No 984984 plugins to install, just theme to choose from and the ability to easily edit and tweak it, and it’s good to go.

I managed to transfer all my posts except for galleries, but then again, nobody wants a billion of random images.

What I found awesome though is that even if there is no media management yet, design and images do look gorgeous.

I guess it’s less about quantity, more about quality, and I welcome the change.

Once you get down to it, learning the basic markdown tags is easy and feels natural, so that’s much better than the usual boring system.

One of the main points is to be able to process HTML without it getting screwed up, it feels amaaazing.

All posts have been converted, images have been dealt with and it looks gorgeous, it is blazing fast and I am aboard a glorious boat.

Let’s see where it takes us.




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