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LoL League Journal Episode 3

League Jumps! Gold III Heyo

So.. played many games, happened to win many in a row during my promotion series, which granted me a jump of 2 divisions rather than one. But we then proceeded to lose 3 games in a row, so I believe the next loss I will be demoted into Gold IV ):

Played 14 games, won 8, lost 6, gained 100 League Points and won my Promotion Series to Golden III winning 5 games in a row, including the 2 promotion series.




Game #1

Duo time with Fevion, got Singed and happily went top lane. We farmed for about 25 mins, then I began roaming and our team was better than his. Good game overall by us, our teamfights were good and I disrupted their team.

It was: Singed, Ezreal, Jarvan IV, Anivia, Blitzcrank vs Graves, Master Yi, Cho’Gath, Shyvana, Thresh

Champ: Singed top

My result: 4/1/11 12.5k 265cs @ 35.14

tl;dr : Farm lane, good teamfights

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 33 (+33)


Game #2

Duo time with Fevion again, got Ezreal, lane was meh, but still farmed, kept my farm up, except their Ryze absolutely won their lane and ganked everywhere. Team kept getting caught and we lost.

It was: Ezreal, Jax, Malphite, Anivia, Taric vs Soraka, Rumble Ryze, Sivir, Hecarim

Champ: Ezreal

My result: 2/2/3 9.1k 209cs @ 29.47

tl;dr : Lane hard enough, but managed, rest of the team rolled over and kept dying

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 14 (-18)


Game #3

Duo time with Fevion again, got Jax because I was not sure whether Xin Zhao or Shen were top. Anyhow, against Shen I could do, except they 3-man me since level 7, for a total of three times. I still was able to stop shen from splitpushing and I could 1v1 him until he got baron, but yeah, team sucked, and they got all fed and won without ever even needing shen

It was: Jax, Janna, Master Yi, Cho’Gath, Caitlyn vs Miss Fortune, Kassadin, Shen, Sona, Xin Zhao

Champ: Jax top

My result: 1/3/0 12.3k 265cs @ 37.51

tl;dr : Annoying lane, got permaganked, team just kept dying

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 0 (-14)


Game #4

Duo time with Fevion again, got Ezreal this time. Their Corki got First Blood out of our Sona, then killed her again right as she got to lane again. Needless to say, it was a very hard lane, I was forced to stay back, it was overall very hard, but we all managed to gank and did good and surprisingly, we won

It was: Ezreal, Nidalee, Wukong, Sona, Nautilus vs Corki, Jarvan IV, Leona, Lux, Hecarim

Champ: Ezreal bot

My result: 7/6/20 14.3k 183cs @ 41.03

tl;dr : Impossible lane, but as a team we did good and won

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 26 (+26)


Game #5

Duo time with Fevion again, got Irelia as I was unsure who was top, whether Kennen or Nidalee. Regardless, Vi counterganked lv2 and ganked once-twice more, giving me a huge lead, so I proceeded to kill Kennen each and every time I saw him.

It was: Irelia, Miss Fortune, Kayle, Vi, Blitzcrank vs Nidalee, Kennen, Nunu, Vayne, Xin Zhao

Champ: Irelia top

My result: 8/0/3 8.5k 147cs @ 24.47

tl;dr : Vi helped, stomped lane, stomped game.

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 50 (+24)


Game #6

Duo time with Fevion again, he got Renekton, so I was like "Spin to win!" Laning was easy enough, we both farmed and I won most exchanges. After that, I was this wall that kept spinning around, and after a long while of stall as we were not doing so good, we heavily won a teamfight, got baron and inhib, and well, it was easy. To end it, their blitz pulled me, so they had this 4300 hp with 200+ armor garen and 200+ damage spinning around, and it didn’t end well for them 😀

It was: Garen, Graves, Jarvan IV, Kha’Zix, Taric vs Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Lux, Nocturne, Renekton

Champ: Garen top

My result: 9/2/5 15k 251cs @ 42.46

tl;dr : Good enough lane, hard anywhere else, managed to win a teamfight and win from thereon.

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 76 (+26)


Game #7

Duo time with Fevion again, people trolled since champ select, I got Nautilus jungle, mid lane lost on its own 1v1, even though he wanted to stomp, top lost, bot I helped and was meh, but yeah, got stomped, our nidalee just rage quit.

It was: Nautilus, Zed, Ezreal, Nidalee, Taric vs Graves, Maokai, Malphite, Orianna, Leona

Champ: Nautilus jungle

My result: 1/1/1 4.7k 89cs @ 20.22

tl;dr : Good enough lane, hard anywhere else, managed to win a teamfight and win from thereon.

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 62 (-14)


Game #8

Duo time with Fevion again, got Singed top, he got Teemo. Xin ganked 2-3 times though, and even after the first time, I could stand toe-to-toe, it got very easy after and their Lux disconnected.

It was: Singed, Caitlyn, Xin Zhao, Kayle, Leona vs Hecarim, Nunu, Teemo, Vayne, Lux

Champ: Singed top

My result: 11/2/4 10.2k 123cs @ 23.07

tl;dr : Help from jungler made me win lane, and we stomped pretty much, with one of them dc’ing.

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 89 (+27)


Game #9

Duo time with Fevion again, got Singed again, this time was against Tryndamere AP. I couldn’t really kill him, but he couldn’t kill me either. When teamfights came, I believe I was more useful than him, and I always made sure to keep him as far as possible from our squishies. We were basically losing for a while, but we managed to catch up and win teamfights, and we won eventually.

It was: Singed, Ezreal, Nidalee, Taric, Nautilus vs Jarvan IV, Kayle, Tryndamere, Thresh, Tristana

Champ: Singed top

My result: 6/3/14 13.5k 238cs @ 38.05

tl;dr : Farm lane, good teamfights, we ended up winning

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 100 (Promotion Series: 0 games played)


Game #10

Duo time with Fevion again, had to mid this time, Kha’Zix was banned, I was against Ziggs, so I was like "Fine, Talon". It ended up working surprisingly well. I couldn’t really oneshot him early on, but I farmed and roamed enough to get fed, was safe in teamfights and went for kills. Zed was also good and the whole team played very well.

It was: Talon, Vayne, Zed, Vi, Nautilus vs Xin Zhao, Garen, Ziggs, Taric, Tristana

Champ: Talon mid

My result: 10/1/12 14.1k 213cs @ 30:21

tl;dr : Farmed, roamed, got fed

League: Gold V Heimerdinger’s Colossi 100 (Promotion Series: 1 games played, 1 won)


Game #11

Duo time with Fevion again, this time their top had the crazy idea to go Darius, so I punished him with Yorick. Needless to say, my only death came from a gank where they threw everything and came from lane, hidden. Match was fairly difficult, but I got fed as hell, they couldn’t kill me and I had a really good damage.

It was: Yorick, Leona, Ezreal, Annie, Nautilus vs Caitlyn, Ahri, Sejuani, Darius, Lulu

Champ: Yorick top

My result: 15/1/8 16.2k 225cs @ 41:08

tl;dr : Kept Darius low, got fed, farmed, was a solid presence in teamfights

League: Gold III Heimerdinger’s Colossi (Promotion Series: 2 games played, 2 won, double promotion)


Game #12

Duo time with Fevion again, got Ezreal, was fine enough, a bit less farm due to being zoned for a while and permaganked, but wasn’t bad. Except our Elise lost so hard against Akali and well, snowball happened

It was: Ezreal, Nidalee, Elise, Lulu, Nautilus vs Vayne, Akali, Blitzcrank, Lux, Amumu

Champ: Ezreal bot

My result: 1/2/2 6.9k 153cs @ 24:48

tl;dr : Their top snowballed, we couldn’t do much.

League: Gold III Heimerdinger’s Colossi 0 (+0)


Game #13

Duo time with Fevion again, got Ezreal again, it sucked, top lane lost, everyone lost, and it was a stomp. meh.

It was: Ezreal, Kassadin, Xin Zhao, Shen, Blitzcrank vs Ryze, Caitlyn, Lulu, Akali, Cho’Gath

Champ: Ezreal bot

My result: 1/0/6 8.5k 187cs @ 33:07

tl;dr : Their top snowballed, we couldn’t do much v2.

League: Gold III Heimerdinger’s Colossi 0 (+0)


Game #14

Duo time with Fevion again, got Singed this time around, was in lane against Darius. I was ahead in farm, I won lane, I ganked other lanes, it was good. But due to bad teamfights and our team getting wrecked, we lost eventually.

It was: Singed, Maokai, Ryze, Ezreal, Zyra vs Lee Sin, Cassiopeia, Twitch, Janna, Darius

Champ: Singed top

My result: 1/2/12 14k 306cs @ 49:00

tl;dr : Won lane, lost late game.

League: Gold III Heimerdinger’s Colossi 0 (+0)



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