Last Watched: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S2E6 - The Gang Gives Back

Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Placeholder, I hereby banish you

A couple days ago I had a long talk with some friends, and I eventually realized most of the people are biased towards what they like or don’t like. That is, they attempt to understand feelings and emotions behind characters, situations, stories, whatever, and if it touches something hidden deep, if it stings where it shouldn’t, they just say “I don’t like it, it’s crap”, without even understanding the real reason. I suppose it’s a way for our mind to protect itself, to avoid getting hurt. That makes us unable to really -FEEL- what others feel, to get in their heads, to understand things using their logic, it limits us so very much, and we don’t even realize it.



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