Last Watched: Castle - S4E5 - Eye of the Beholder

What's this about?

All of my posts

Many posts are quite old, I do not have a set schedule and I write about anything I wish. It results in something a bit.. weird. To read things that are so old that I can hardly recognize them as mine, that's something.

  • I’m in your border, conquering your lands, twice.

    You can rarely ever play such a fun game, it makes you laugh from the beginning to the end, plus…


  • Why do we fall? So that we can learn to

    Placeholder, I hereby banish you A couple days ago I had a long talk with some friends, and I eventually…


  • Life Madness?

    I Sogni, gli obiettivi delle persone, son sempre collegati al modo di vivere cui si è abituati sin da piccoli.…


  • La prima impressione

    Non è facile parlare di prime impressioni, anzi, è abbastanza complesso, molto più di quanto non sembri. In realtà la…


  • What’s beyond sad?

    There is sad. But sometimes, there's more than that. You just feel as if there's no hope left, nothing able…


  • It’s another penta f’n kill!

    ^w^ Oh, I'm also streaming my newb games now


  • It’s a penta f’n kill!

    The way of the Assassin! ^w^


  • League of Legends madness

    Following the lines of the Old Spice ad Hello nerds, Look at your score, now back to mine. Sadly, it's…


  • Re-do

    Had some issues with the old blog so I decided to just reinstall it and save the old one somewhere…
